已经在本地配置好了neovim,现在希望的是有没有像vscode的remote-ssh一样的插件呢? 可以方便链接到远端服务器,同时不需要再把远端的vscode环境再手动配置一遍呢。
- ssh连接远端服务器,配置nvim环境,再进行开发
- sshfs把远端文件系统同步到本地,但是这样需要解决一些包的安装问题,如pytorch等
- 像vscode remote插件一样
- https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/tunnels
- https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/remote-overview
- https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/devcontainers/containers
Remote Nvim
我们计划使用这个插件,得到和vscode remote ssh插件类似的效果
Why would I use this plugin instead of the usual ssh + nvim? This plugins provide some additional nice-to have features on top:
- Automatically installs Neovim on remote
- Does not mess with the global configuration and instead just writes everything to a single directory on remote
- Can copy over your local Neovim configuration to remote
- Allows easy re-connection to past sessions
- Makes it easy to clean up remote machine changes once you are done
- It launches Neovim server on the remote server and connects a UI to it locally.